Should Coaches and Course Creators run Facebook Ads in 2020

Your Customers Journey and the Facebook Ads Funnel

“Running Facebook Ads is not a matter of ‘making an ad work’.

Rather, it is a process of strategically building your personal brand and your credibility, understanding and managing your customers journey using a hypothesis and data based optimizing to move potential buyers further down your sales funnel.

The most common mistake I see coaches & course creators make is trying to sell their courses based on interest and/or behavioral targeting with an inexperienced pixel to a cold audience.

Selling knowledge is based on trust and credibility. Why would people perceive you as an expert and want to learn from you if they see you the first time? Especially if you don’t have a ton of social proof, it will be almost impossible to run profitable campaigns. That’s why we have to focus on building a relationship first.

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